Chrisantemen-30/40cm oil on canvas -for sale
Blumen 30/40cm oil on canvas -for sale
Forsytia-30/40cm oil on canvas -for sale
Coming the summer -110/70cm oil on canvas -for sale
My outside ( exterior) life is a mirror of the interior, there is a direct correspondence between my experiences and my thoughts in one hand, and my creative work on the other hand. What i trully believe and feel is purely reflected in all my work.
Tot ceea ce facem este declansat de dorintele noastre interioare, nevoi si instincte, multe dintre ele venind din subconstient.Daca cineva nu întelege dintr-o privire,cu atât mai mult nu va intelege o lunga explicatie......
folosesti niste culori superbe, care merg direct la suflet si-l incalzesc.
ReplyDeleteIti multumesc din suflet draga Cristina!